Jerome Arndt Grant
The purpose of the APDR Jerome Arndt Grant Award is to provide funding opportunities for APDR members to develop resources for the membership.
Application Process Innovative projects are to be proposed by APDR members with the aim of developing resources for the membership. Projects must be NEW and may include but are not limited to: the development of teaching skills and educational leadership materials for program directors, development, dissemination and evaluation of printed or electronic educational materials for program directors, development of programs to address burnout/support wellness, or innovations in Radiology Trainee Education
Application Deadline: January 22, 2025 at 12 NOON (Central)
Amount: One to two grants, up to $5,000 (USD) in aggregate will be awarded annually. Funds may or may not be granted each year, depending on the quality of the received proposals. The maximum individual award may not exceed $5,000 for a one year project.

Grant Recipients:
2023: Erin Cooke, MD and Madelene Lewis, MD - Development of Longitudinal Mentorship Groups to Promote Program Director Wellness and Community
2022: Erica Pollack, MD - Global Health Pathway for Radiology Residents
2021: Megan Mills, MD - Learning from Machine Learning: Evaluating how Contextual Interference Impacts the Learning of a Radiology Task in Machines and Radiologists
2020: Carolynn M. DeBenedectis, MD; Nolan J. Kagetsu, MD; Priscilla Slanetz, MD, MPH - Healthcare Disparities and Cultural Competency Curriculum for Radiologists.
2019: Joshua P. Nickerson, MD, Oregon Health & Science University - Correlation Between ACGME Case Log Values and ABR Core Exam Pass Rate.
2018: Kedar Jambhekar, MD and Linda Deloney, EdD, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences - Development of an Educational Escape Room for Radiology Residents.